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Child Endangerment Lawyers

Child Endangerment DUI Lawyers: Protecting Your Rights and Your Family

What is a Child Endangerment DUI?

Getting pulled over for a DUI is bad enough; but if you had a child in the car, you could be facing child endangerment DUI charges. This is treated as a really serious crime, because you put a kid‘s life at risk – it’s like an aggravated DUI.The laws vary by state, but generally, a child endangerment DUI means driving under the influence with a minor (under 18) in the vehicle. It doesn’t matter if the child was yours or not. Just having them in the car while you were intoxicated is enough to get hit with these charges.

Why Child Endangerment DUIs are So Serious

Drunk driving is dangerous enough; adding a child to the mix makes it way worse. Kids are fragile – they can’t protect themselves or get out of a bad situation. Having an impaired adult behind the wheel puts their lives at serious risk.Plus, there‘s the emotional trauma to consider. Imagine being a little kid trapped in a car with a drunk driver swerving all over the road. That’s the stuff of nightmares! It can really mess kids up psychologically.So the courts don’t mess around with child endangerment DUIs. The potential penalties are much harsher than a regular DUI. We‘re talking longer jail sentences, bigger fines, and a greater likelihood of getting your license revoked or having to use an ignition interlock device.

Defenses for Child Endangerment DUI Cases

Just because you were charged doesn’t mean you’re automatically guilty. A good DUI defense lawyer will look at all angles to get the charges reduced or